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Clean Jokes

A man is stages of getting ready for his wedding

A man is in the final stages of getting ready for his wedding…

Everything is going well except for one small matter his bride-to-be’s extremely hot younger sister.

One afternoon, a week before the big day, he finds himself alone with her in the house.

She slides up to him and suggests going upstairs – before he finally settles down to a life of wedded bliss.

The man begins to panic. Running through his options he charges out of the house – only there, in the front garden, to discover the rest of the girl’s family all waiting for him.

As soon as he emerges, they give him a big round of applause.

“Congratulations “, says the father-in-law,

“you’ve passed the test. You have proved yourself a man of honor and integrity, and I’m delighted to give you my daughter’s hand in marriage “.

The fiance can’t believe it and breathes a huge sigh of relief.

His wife plants a big kiss on the cheek.

Moral of the story is? Always leave your protection in the car.


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