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Clean Jokes

A old french man moves to America

An old french man moves to America and begins looking for a job.

He walks into a bakery to meet with the owner.

The owner is hesitant to hire him because his English is really poor, so he decides to try and find an excuse to not hire the man.

“Okay, I’ll hire you only if you can express to me the number 9 without using numerals or letters.”

And the old man says, in his thick accent,

“In France, we have a lot of trees. So tree plus tree plus tree equals nine.”

The owner, surprised, nonchalantly says

“well, that was an easy one. Now I need you to express the number 99 with the same rules.”

The old man responds,

“In France, we have a lot of trees and sometimes you see a lot of mud on the trees. So dirty tree, plus dirty tree, plus dirty tree, equals ninety-nine.”

The owner is impressed but worries that he’s actually going to have to hire the man.

“Okay, if you can answer this last question, you’re hired. Express the number 100 using the same rules.”

The old man replies,

“Well I have a doggy, and he no like dirty trees, so I take him for a walk and he goes to each of the trees and takes a tiny little sh!t right next to each one.

Dirty tree and one turd, plus dirty tree and one turd, plus dirty tree and one turd, equals a hundred. So when do I start?”


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