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Clean Jokes

A Young Man Was Walking

A young man was walking through his neighborhood selling old cassette tapes Comes across a man who is listening to music on his MP3 player.

He proceeds to ask the man if he would like to buy some of his tapes.

The conversation played out like this:

boy- excuse me sir, are you interested in buying any of these tapes from me?


man- no thank you, as you can see I have an MP3 player with all the music I need here.

boy- okay then.

The boy then continues to make his runs through the neighborhood, and circling around She’s the Man with MP3 player again.


boy- excuse me sir, are you interested in buying any of these tapes from me?

man- I already told you that I am not interested in purchasing any of the tapes from you, because I have this MP3 player.

boy- okay then.


The boy makes another sales run through a different neighborhood and on his way home has to pass through the neighborhood he was selling at first.

He stumbles across the man with the MP3 player for a third time.

This time however, the boy realizes that the man no longer has an MP3 player but is listening to a compact disc player.


boy- excuse me sir, are you interested in buying any of these tapes from me?

man- young man, I already told you more than once that I do not want to buy any tapes from you.

However if you are selling in a compact discs, I might buy some of those from you.


boy- I think I may have something like that. So you’re looking for CDs, correct?

man- correct.

The boy precedes to open his bag to show the man the contents he is selling


boy- excuse me sir, I do believe I’ve got some CDs, see de’s tapes I’m selling!


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