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Clean Jokes

The 3 farmers


The 3 farmers

Once there was 3 really poor farmers.

One day they saw a flier for the county fair.

World’s fattest pig wins 1 million dollars.

There pig wasn’t fat at all but one of the farmers had an idea.

They trained a monkey to put corks in bottles. After a week of training the monkey.

They throw the monkey in the pig pen with the pig. The monkey puts a cork in the pigs ass.

As weeks past, the farmers won the county fair but they noticed the pig looked sad. For the next week they trained the monkey how to take corks out of bottles.

Once the monkey got the hang of it, they put him back in the pig pen.

There was a giant explosion and a cop wakes up the first farmer.

“What was the last thing you remember?”

The farmer replies, “There was shit everywhere!”

The cop wakes up the second farmer, “What was the last thing you remember?”

The second farmer replies,”There was shit everywhere!”

The cop wakes up the last farmer, “What was the last thing you remember?”

The third farmer replies, “That poor little monkey trying to put the cork back in.”


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