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Clean Jokes

The Golden-Woolled Sheep

Once upon a time there was a kingdom. This kingdom had a highly respected coat-of-arms flesh and blood animal, a golden-woolled sheep.

One day this famous animal has walked away from the kingdom.

Days have passed and the king haven’t got any news from the whereabouts of the sheep.

The king made an announcement, if someone finds the golden-woolled sheep then that person will get the half of the kingdom.

But if someone gets home with empty hands then the person will hang.

Two months have passed, hundreds have been hung the animal was still missing.

The oldest son of the king had enough of this embarassing situation and told to the king that he is going to search the sheep next morning to restore the honor of the kingdom.

The king appreciated the courage of the oldest son but warned the man what are the consequences of the search.

The same rules are valid to him as well. Pointless searches result hanging, no exceptions.

The oldest son went to the expedition, one month passed, he had no clue where is the sheep, had to go home.

The king was really frustrated and sorrowful but a promise is a promise.

The oldest son was hung. Months have passed after this tragic event and the sheep was still missing.

The middle son of the king had enough of this embarassing situation and told to the king that he is going to search the sheep next morning to restore the honor of the kingdom and in memory of his brother.

The king wanted to prevent this as he was affraid to lose another son.

The middle kid was unstoppable, he went after the animal even so he know what are the consequences.

Two months have passed, he had no clue where is the sheep, had to go home. He has been hung.

The pain was indescribable for the king. Another months have passed, the animal was still missing.

The youngest son of the king had enough of this embarassing situation and told to the king that he is going to search the sheep next morning to restore the honor of the kingdom and in memory of his brothers.

The king locked him to his room to prevent the potential loss of his last son.

The young kid was really stubborn. One night he managed to escape his room and went after the golden-woolled sheep.

Three months have passed and he was not lucky. The animal was still missing.

We all know what was the destiny of the youngest kid.

As the animal disappeared without any clue the king gave up the whole search.

He has stepped down, could not suffer more.


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