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Funny Jokes

A elderly woman hadn’t been to the doctor

An elderly woman hadn’t been to the doctor in a very long time.

Her husband said to his wife that she should make an appointment for a check-up.

She made the appointment and went to the doctor.

Afterwards, she came home and the husband asked what the doctor said.

She replied that the doctor needed a specimen.

The man asked what he meant by ‘a specimen’.

She didn’t know. He suggested she ask their nosy neighbor Ethel across the road.

Sometime later the wife came back with a black eye and was very disheveled as if she had been in a scuffle.

“What happened?!” asked her husband.

She replied, “I’m not sure, I went into Ethel’s and told her about the doctor. I asked her what is meant by a specimen.

She turned to me and said piss in a cup, I told her to sh!t in her hat and the fight was on!”


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