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Funny Jokes

A Leprechaun Goes To A Convent

He knocks on the door, and a sweet old nun answers the door he says to her pardon me sister may I ask you a question,do you have any midget nuns in this convent?

She thinks for a minute and says I’m sorry my son we don’t.

Leprechaun replies thank you for your time sister I’m sorry for bothering you.

The leprechauns friend then taps him on the arm and says go on ask her ask her.

So the leprechaun says I’m sorry sister but may I have another moment of your time, do you have any midget nuns in all of Ireland she thinks for a minute and says I’m sorry my son I must go ask the priest.

The priest comes to the door and says I’m sorry my son but there is no midget nuns in all of Ireland.

The leprechaun thanks them for their time and goes to leave.

His buddy taps him on the arm again and says go on ask her ask her.

The leprechaun says I’m sorry sister may I be having another moment of your time? The nun says of course my son.

the leprechaun ask if there is any midget nuns in all the world.

the nun replies that she does not know and they shall have to call the Pope.

She heads inside and makes a phone call, she returns to the door and says I am sorry my son but the pope said we have no midget nuns in all the world because we have a height requirement.


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