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Funny Jokes

A women’s group from Miami Beach

A women’s group from Miami Beach decided to go on a day trip to a working farm in the country.

Since most of them had lived in the city all of their lives and had never been near a farm, they thought it would be a new and challenging experience.

Dressed for the part, they arrived in their minibus and were greeted by the farmer.

As they looked around the various barns and outhouses, one woman was intrigued by an animal she spotted.

“Excuse me,” she called to the farmer, “can you explain to us why this cow doesn’t have any horns?”

The farmer c*cked his head for a moment, and then explained patiently: “Well, ma’am, cattle can do a lot of damage with horns.

So sometimes we keep ’em trimmed down with a hacksaw. Other times we can fix up the young ’nus by putting’ a couple of drops of acid where their horns would grow, and that stops ’em cold.

Still, there are some breeds of cattle that never grow horns.

But the reason this cow don’t have no horns, ma’am, is because it’s a horse.”


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