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Funny Jokes

One Day A Young Man

One day a young man became deaf, but he was too arrogant to tell anyone about it.

So whenever he wanted to talk to anyone, he tried to make out what the other person said by looking at their mouth and guessing.

This worked pretty fine, until one day one of his friends became sick and went to the hospital.

He decided to go visit him. He planned out what he was going to say.

He thought: “I will ask whether he’s getting better first, then I’ll ask him who his doctor is, etc… .”

The next day he went to see his friend.

His friend was happy that he came.

The deaf man asked his friend whether he’s getting better or not.

His friend said: “No, I feel horrible.” The deaf man thought he said he felt better,

so he said: “That’s great! I’m so happy to hear that!”

His friend was shocked and thought the deaf man was joking, so he told him his joke made him feel bad.

The deaf man thought he was thanking him, so he said: “That’s what friends are for!

How’s you’re doctor?” His friend was angry so he turned around and didn’t answer him.

The deaf man thought he just said some doctor’s name, so he told him: “That’s a great doctor!

He also helped my mother get better a few years ago.”


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