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Funny Jokes

The Stallion Bull

Don Alejo had a REPRODUCTIVE BULL, the best bull in the region.

That bull was his only heritage.

Local farmers discovered that the bull was the best player in the area, they began to RENT it to cross their cows, checking that the best calves came out of that crossing and the bull became the only and main source of income for the farmer.

Besides, the BULL was quick and surrender, he did not forgive any cow that would pass him by, and it seemed that he would never tire of begetting.

One day, the farmers gathered and they decided to buy the bull to not depend more on Don Alejo.

A representative went and said: “Put a price on your bull that we are going to buy”

The farmer, who did not want to lose his source of income, asked for an absurd number to be rejected.

The farmers complained to the Mayor about the price of the animal, and he, sensitized with the problem, bought the bull with municipal funds, registering it as MUNICIPAL HERITAGE and putting it at the service of the entire community.

On the day of the inauguration of the services, the farmers brought their cows for the bull to prey.

They put the first one, and nothing.

“It must be the cow – said one – is very skinny.”

They brought her a great Dutch champion, the bull sniffed her, and nothing!

They passed the entire rodeo, but The bull did not flinch! The Mayor, furious, called the former owner and rebuked him to solve the problem …

He had spent the taxpayers’ money and didn’t want to think it was all another scam.

Don Alejo approached the bull and spoke to his ear: – What are you doing little bull? You don’t want to work anymore?


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