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Funny Jokes

Three blondes are training

Three blondes are training to be police officers.

The man who is training them takes out a picture and asks the first blonde, “What do you notice about the man in this picture?”

The blonde says, “He only has one eye!”.

The man says “No, no, it’s a side view.”

Then he says to the second blonde, “What do you notice about this man?”

The 2nd blonde says, “He only has one ear!”

The man says “Hello, it’s a side view! Gees!”

So the man goes over to the last blonde and says,

“What do you notice about this man?”

The final blonde says, “He wears contacts!”

The man goes to the FBI computer and looks the man in the picture up sure enough he wears contacts!

The man says, “How did you know that?”

The blonde says, “Well, if he only has one eye and one ear, how can he wear glasses?”.


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