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Naughty Jokes

A Girl Asks Awkward Question

There is this girl, she is five.

She goes spying on her big sister and she hears her cussing out her boyfriend she says,

“you mother bang bastard!”

Just then Jill, that’s the little girl, interrupts them talking and blurts out,

“Big Sis,what does bastard mean?

The girl surprised by the question,says, BOYFRIEND!

Okay , so the girl runs off onto the bathroom.

Jill sneaks up on her dad while he was shaving and says boo!

THE dad says “Shit!”

So the girl ask her dad “What does shit mean?”

And he stammers “Shaving cream”.

So she said okay and went about her day.

Jill then runs into her mom, who was in the kitchen cutting the turkey.
Her mom is startled when Jill comes in, cuts her hand, and says “bang!”.

So Jill ask “What does bang mean mommy?”

And scrambling for an answer, her mom says “cutting.”

All of the sudden, they hear the door.

Jill answers and sees her Dads boss at the door.

He ask “Sweetie, do you know where everyone is at?”

And she says,

“Well, my sister’s talking to her bastard, my Moms bang the turkey and my Dads wiping the shit off his face.”


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