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Naughty Jokes

Three Pregnant Women

Three pregnant women are sitting around the waiting room at their OBGYN knitting jumpers for their expected babies.

One woman reaches into her purse and pulls out a handful of pills and Swallows them.

The other mothers look at her with disapproval stares and she says, “Oh no, these are just prenatal vitamins high in Vitamin D.

I want my baby to have strong bones.”

The other two nod approvingly and another takes out a handful of pills.

“These are prenatal vitamins high in Vitamin A.

I want my baby to have good eyesight”, and she Swallows them down.

The last mother takes out a handful of pills and swallows them down.

The other two look at her expectantly and she says, “Oh, it’s Thalidomide.

I can get the bang arms on this jumper to come out right.”


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