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Relationship Jokes

A newlywed couple is sleep together

A newlywed couple is about to sleep together.

Before the lovemaking begins the wife says,

“give me 30 dollars.”

The husband says, “for WHAT?!”.

She says, “every time we have lovemaking, you are to give me 30 dollars.”

The husband reluctantly complies.

After 40 years of marriage, the wife comes home really happy one day with the news of a small fortune that is ripe for bearing.

She finally declares, “every time we had make love, I invested 30 dollars into an investment account, and now look at what we have.”

The husband immediately starts crying.

The wife, taken aback says “what’s wrong.”

The husband says, “if I knew that’s what you have been doing, I would have just kept coming to you.”


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